Today I invite you to read in “The friendly Face of the Guests of Heidy” the interview, I conducted, and to one of the musical groups that has lasted for 17 years in the taste of the public. They have songs in English and Spanish, all very well selected to give their followers a musical work of quality. This group is “Liverpool“, which is integrated by Oscar Rodas on the battery, Marco de la Roca, guitar and voice in Spanish, Homero Ruiz voice in English, Mario Ruiz, keyboards and Carlos Zamora, bass. They currently play in Bobby’s Place.
We received Marco De la Roca of the “Liverpool group” in this space, where you can say what you want and at the other media you cannot.
Before anything, let me congratulate you because after 17 years of musical work, you continue together doing what you like “music, music, and more music”
The first question logically is to know how you guys met, if there is any relationship between you or did you live in the same area? Somehow we met and had a relationship when we were young, when we started to do our first tanes (baby steps) with music, because before Liverpool we all played in different groups. Also at that time we lived in relatively nearby areas, Zones 3, 7 and 11. With regard to kinship, Homero and Mariño are father and son.
It is almost two decades since you’ve been playing your music, do you remember how you were at the beginning? Where did you rehearse? Yes, in our early days we rehearsed in the houses of Oscar and Homero, later at a friend’s House, also a musician whose name is Oscar Rodríguez, who kindly lent us his house. Almost at the same time we started our career in the bar and restaurant “Tequila”, located in the Calzada Roosevelt where currently a household appliances business is. At Tequila we played for 10 months approximately, it was there where we consolidate formally in October 1996.
Why the group is called “Liverpool”? Is it something related to the Beatles? Indeed. The objective when the Group was formed was to play only music of the Beatles, taking into account that none of the national groups did, it was then that Liverpool arose. Which was the name that we believed was the most related and emblematic.
What language did you play in your first presentation English or Spanish music? As said, the Group was born with the intention of only playing music from the Beatles. We originally started with Liverpool at the Bar El Parlamento of Hotel Dorado Americana, from January to September 1995, playing only music in English, however, approximately in March of that year, at the request of the public we introduced music in Spanish to interpret in two languages, as we do currently.
What is, apart from the music something that has bonded you? Friendship. Since we integrate the Group it began as a great friendship. I could say almost brotherhood among us, which has made to keep the same members from the October of 1996.
Is there a leader in the group or do you all decide? There is not a specific leader. When we started with the Group we made a gentlemen’s agreement, among all, where in principle. We were to accept as is, the way we are, in addition, we all take the decisions and eventually when there were no majority at the time of taking them, with three members who were in favor would be enough.
Which presentations are the ones that you most remember? The truth is that we have had many presentations and very good experiences that would be difficult to consider them, but probably the most remembered are when alternating with international groups and artists as: Leo Dan, Abracadabra, Lucho Muñoz, Village People, Tavares among others.
What do you think of the national music? In my opinion, it is something very special that has never been given the place or the importance which deserves. In Guatemala, there has always been great musical talent and excellent values. We admire all the singers and national groups that have existed and exist today.
How many albums have you recorded? Our discography comprises 4 CDs.
In your performances, does the audience request more English or Spanish music? Usually they request both languages.
For your color group, what color do you choose? We do not have a defined color, but we try to make it dark colors to standardize us.
If at some point you do not agree with any provision, how do you come to an agreement? By voting? Most of the time, we respect the rule of that three out of the five of us who agree win the decision. However in some occasions we have to meet to discuss and agree on the most suitable for the group.
Who are the most timid, cranky, flirtiest, serious and the craziest in the group? That is rather difficult to answer you because each have our way to appreciate others, but I could tell you that the most serious and shy is Carlos.
Do any of the members have a college education? Effectively, myself (Marco De la Roca) I have Bachelors in Business Administration, graduated from the University Of San Carlos Of Guatemala.
Regardless of the music, what does each member do? Homero and Mariño are strictly to music. Carlos, is into computer science. Oscar owns a workshop. And I in particular, practice my profession in the Public Prosecutor’s Office for several years.
Is there a national group to which you admire? As I said, we all have our uniqueness. I admire most groups.
With what Guatemalan artists have you shared the stage? Sergio Ivan De Leon, Marjorie, Elizabeth de Guatemala, Sergio Rey, Unicornio, Los Angeles Azules, Aldo Viñerta, Los Duendes and many more that I don’t remember at the moment.
Where can we find you to hire? Via Facebook: liverpoolguatemala@hotmail.com, or at any of the following phones: 59660391 – 47361077 – 55127163 – 53007799 and 53489212.
Thank you friends of Liverpool to share with followers of social networks, your stories.
Thank you Heidy for this opportunity to share with friends of the FB and other spaces part of our history, of the work we have done over these years.
Interviews can be read in the following links:
Interview by Heidy Sandoval Ruiz
Translation René Corado